Saturday, November 1, 2008

Some Haiku

smells move memories
pure snow breathes timeless earth scent
crunch crunch I arrive

fire wind sears us all
cold night memory wraps me
ancient thoughts save us

Jesus moves atoms
Jesus makes water sweet wine
Mary loves his ways

hot hunger to know
cool wind silently being
being not knowing

eyes open in darkness
anticipate morning sun
hot day comes too fast

lovers speak aloud
critical words once hidden
scars of betrayal

I feel the changing
I feel the darkness coming
I am darkening

once rolling green fields
memory smells green wetness
turn left at Starbucks

a dog eat dog world
both dogs live in all of us
eater and eaten

razor edge of truth

face of illusion sliced open
burning tears burning

life purpose fulfilled
leaves fall peacefully to earth
may I end as well

ashes to ashes
dust to dust to dust to dust
no joy in Mudville

in the soul river
go in face down do not breathe
you choose again live or die

truth serves only self

if not taught through the senses
smell taste hear see touch

distraction soothing
reality frightening
cowards need love too

perfect skin mouth eyes
in the morning they take me
they take my body

my last look at you
soul eyes hold the memory
I am no longer

red in tooth and claw
Darwin told us the rude truth
war blood proves him right

the man imploded
total spirit death implosion
ok so now what

much harder to do
move from the future to now
but all joy is now

exit from matter
from movement into stillness
soul eyes watch the change

old friends my blessings
so few remain as matter
the rest have changed form

boy dreams so freely
the mans dream cries for freedom
grieves a boys lost dreams

stillborn yet living
child of wars indignity
soul dead killing still

eyes open or closed
look deep into nothingness
into the pure void

and then the truth comes
in a blinding flash of light
the partys over

awaken today
asleep to timeless wisdom
read between the lines

the secret words found
secret words hide in plain sight
the secret remains

the old ways are dead
we are killing our mother
what must I do now

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