Monday, November 10, 2008

More on Local Currencies

There is a long and interesting history of local currencies. I don't know much about what it takes to make it work. There are and have been successful systems. It's legal. . It might be something important to evaluate. Let me know what you think!

These two sites offer much insight.
Currency system presently functioning in Massachusetts.
Site dedicated to ideas and systems inspired by E.F. Schumacher, author of
"Small is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered"

1 comment:

Gordon Solberg said...

Somewhere back in the mists of antiquity -- 10-15 years ago -- some of us were kicking the idea around. The question arose -- who's gonna administer it? Who's gonna pay the administrator?

Looking at the Ithaca Hours site several years ago, I noticed that you would have no trouble getting a massage or your yard cleaned using alternative currency. But necessities -- like gasoline, food, and paying the electric bill -- still require "real" money. However, if "real" money collapses, then it's a whole new ballgame. Can alternative currency work as long as "real" money still has value? This is a worthwhile topic to start kicking around again.