Saturday, December 20, 2008

Navigating the Treacherous Waters of Meaning

Too hard to starboard, too hard to port;
certain destruction.

What if I awakened one day and realized that "I" have no meaning.

In fact, the only meaning in anything.... is the meaning that I and/or others create and agree upon. There is no inherent meaning -
only applied meaning.

And I mean truly real-ize it. Not just a concept - made real.
Integrated on a cellular level.

What if I really got it, that what drives me, when closely examined,
is ultimately ego-related, ego-serving. What would I use for motivation
without "ego" fulfillment, our most powerful generator of illusion,
meaning and purpose.

What would replace it? What would I discover?

When meaning, purpose, ego, legacy, immortality, are stripped away -
the hidden is revealed.

Sometimes you get the best light from a burning bridge.

If you've already leapt into the unexplored void,
you did so knowing that there's no turning back.

If you haven't chosen to leap yet - Don't.
If you have the capacity to avoid that leap - avoid it...

Run away... Run away...

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